2024 Officers and Board of Directors
President: Dr. Valerie Blaes
Vice President: Margie Lussier
Secretary: Debra Dolph as of Dec. 2024
Treasurer: Margo Erganian Purdy
Director: Ladonna Crowder
Director: Open position at the moment
Director: J. Denise Talboth
Youth Director: Crystal Marie
Contact Us via our secretary at Nccbasec@yahoo.com
For referral to a breeder near you, include your hometown and how far you. would be willing to travel. Note any breed preferences and if this purchase is for pet. If you are looking for cavies to breed or show, then our referrals will be invaluable to you. Getting started on the right foot at a show with a cavy from the pet store is difficult, as most of them have characteristics that would be a disqualification. or serious fault on the show table.
We have the most up-to-date listings for people in the Carolinas, Tennessee, Georgia, and Virginia, but we also have members in Florida and several other states. We can refer you to a local club for your area or another contact person for your state.
Also feel free to join us on our Facebook group.